I have the two cutest nephews in the entire world! I love them so much!!! I try and see them as much as I can. Well one time I went down to their house to watch them for Kami and Kanyon my oldest nephew he is 2 he has a... I was going to say little camera but it's a pretty big camera. It works great and it's a kid camera so it doesn't break easily. Well we decided to take some pictures. Haha it was a lot of fun.
Kanyon would show me how to make a face then take a picture of me, then I would do the same to him. He can think up some pretty great faces off the top of his head. And it's funny when he shows me which face to make. Kaleb, my yongest nephew, he is 1 just wanted to join in on the fun and wanted pictures taken of him as well. You have got to love my nephews! They are so gosh darn adorable!!!