The fun things that can happen with your friends, the memories you make, and the great times you have while making them. So pretty much, I made two really good friends not too long ago, that I would probably already call two of my best friends. I don't know them as well as I could, but I feel like I can trust them with anything and everything. We have so much fun together. Like last night we went to a stomp that was combined with Payson, Salem, and Spanish Fork High Schools. You think it would be a blast right? To tell you the truth it wasn't that great... But having Andrea and Rusti there made it more fun than what was intended. I know I will get to know Andrea and Rusti better which will be great and I can't wait!
Friends are the best thing to have in your life other than family. Because no one wants to be around their family all the time right? Sometimes, well for me, most of the time I need to get away and have some fun! With my friends, we do just that. So pretty much I live in Utah I know, I know Utah is pretty boring especially where I live, but doing random things with my buddies we make it so much fun.
Even just sitting around can be fun. It just all depends on how you take it in.
I love my friends. And I'm glad to keep making more. Even though I'm a senior in high school and once I graduate I will probably never see them again. Which I hope never happens. But if it does I want to have as much fun as possible while I'm with them. Make as many memories as possible with them. So when I get old, I will always remember the exciting, exhilarating times we spent together. And of course taking pictures always help keep those memories alive!
Friends are the best thing to have in your life other than family. Because no one wants to be around their family all the time right? Sometimes, well for me, most of the time I need to get away and have some fun! With my friends, we do just that. So pretty much I live in Utah I know, I know Utah is pretty boring especially where I live, but doing random things with my buddies we make it so much fun.

I love my friends. And I'm glad to keep making more. Even though I'm a senior in high school and once I graduate I will probably never see them again. Which I hope never happens. But if it does I want to have as much fun as possible while I'm with them. Make as many memories as possible with them. So when I get old, I will always remember the exciting, exhilarating times we spent together. And of course taking pictures always help keep those memories alive!
Hey whit, i love your blog! and thanks, i consider you and Andrea my best friends too!
whit! i love you. you are seriously my best friend. you and rusti because no matter what people say i can have two best friends. and don't worry we will make memories that are the shiz!!!
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