On Friday June 18, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Travis and I were going down arrowhead trail on our way to his brothers house in Spanish Fork. Well Travis was going 50 in a 40 and we got pulled over. Of course! I was super mad because I told Travis if he gets pulled over and gets a ticket one more time he was going to be in big trouble! Well the cop came up and got his license and registration and everything and told us to hang tight for a minute and he would be right back. Well the cop came back and asked Travis to step out of the car. And Travis was like "um okay, what's wrong?" And the cop said "Well did you know that you have a warrant out for your arrest?" And Travis said "What no!" As the cop turned Travis around and put handcuffs on him and told me he would be right back. So I was waiting in the car patiently... Okay, I lied, I was freaking out! I had no idea what to do. I just sat there watching the cop talk to Travis on the side of the road with his hands cuffed behind his back. So I start to text Jeramy, Travis' brother saying Travis is getting arrested! What do I do!?!? But then the cop came over to my side and asked if I would get of the car. So I start getting out of the car when the cop asked if I would be okay to drive. I told him yes and the cop told me I could go talk to Travis for a minute while he tries to get a hold of his dad to set some bail money up for him. So I walked over to Travis as he is leaning up against the car. And I just stared at him wondering what to do. As he kneels down on one knee, pulled the ring out from behind his back and asked me if I would marry him! Of course I said YES! As I wrapped my arms around him and started to cry my eyes out! I was in complete shock! The cop came out a minute later and I was wiping my tears away when I told him "This isn't even funny!!!" And he was like "Hey I'm just doing what I am told." The cop told us congratulations and then headed back to his car. Then Travis pulled a dozen roses out of his trunk. I love Travis to death! I can't believe I am getting married!!!! September 18th! Exactly 3 months away from when he proposed! You are probably all wondering how this was set up. Well Travis' dad is a cop and he was friends with one of the Salem cops so he asked him to help Travis out. The cop put a voice recorder in Travs pocket. We aren't sure how well it worked in his pocket but we will see in a couple of days. And the cop also recorded it on his dashcam. And he is going to burn it for us and we are going to put it at the end of our slide show we are making for our wedding reception. So if you want to see it you better come. And I better see you all there anyways!

Whit, that is the cutest story I have ever heard!!! I would be freaking out too except Brandon has actually been arrested in front of me for a warrant so I wouldn't have been suprised haha just kidding! That is SOOOO adorable! Love you Whit! Can't wait until your wedding! Love Ceason (Even though it says Brandon)
I would have freaking killed my husband if he did that to me. But I have to give him props for creating a memorable proposal! Congratulations.
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